Saturday, June 9, 2007

A.m.n.e.s.i.a - Chapter 1

"Morning Gill, you're early today, recognizing the familiar male voice coming from behind her, Gillian's lip instinctively curved upwards; after all she's been visiting Kenny, her psychiatrist once a week for the past two years since losing her memory after a car accident.

Right after the accident, she went through periods of paranoia and confusion; doing nothing more than hiding in her room all day. The world around her was strange and unfamiliar, even her younger twin sister, Charlene felt like nothing more than a total stranger to her. Exhausting all other options, Charlene finally took her to see Kenny, a psychiatrist that worked at the same hospital where Charlene worked as a nurse. Slowly, Kenny brought her out of her shell and back into the real world.

He tried to help her regain her memories but unfortunately, despite how hard she tried she couldn't recall any thing from the past; it was as if her mind has been wiped clean. All she knew of herself came from what Charlene told her. Whenever she asked her twin sister about the past, the latter wasn't very talkative especially when their conversation reached the events of the last few years. Charlene only encouraged her to accept her amnesia and begin a new life for herself. Perhaps, it was because Charlene didn't want to be reminded of the death of their parents that occurred just a few years ago.

Regardless, Gillian has grown to accept her amnesia and taken Kenny's advice, to create new memories for herself instead of dwelling on a past she can't remember.

"Morning Kenny," Gillian said, turning her face to greet her psychiatrist, together the two continued to walk to his office.

"How's work lately? Busy at community center?" Kenny asked while settling on a seat adjacent to the sofa Gillian sat rather than sitting behind his desk, for which made Gillian extremely grateful. Kenny's friendliness and light-hearted conversations made her look forward to their meetings, he never intimidated her like other doctors she had visited before. He treated her like a friend, rather than a patient.

"It's been a bit hectic. We're trying to start a new after school program for elementary school children," her eyes sparkled as she explained, hardly able to contain her enthusiasm. To her, her job at the community center was more than just work; it brought her back from the emotional chaos that had once surrounded her after the accident. It gave her life a purpose.

"I see, but remember not to over work herself," Kenny smiled, pleased to see her doing so well.

"Don't worry I won't. Besides, Char won't let me, she calls me every five minutes if I'm not home by six every night," her smile beginning to falter at the thought her younger twin sister's smothering concern. "Sometimes, I wish she would stop treating me like I'm helpless. I know she cares a lot about me but I don't want to be treated like I'm disabled just because I have amnesia."

"You have to understand, Gill, Char almost lost you once, she's bound to be a bit overprotective. Anyway, tell you what, I'll have a talk with Char the next time I see her," Kenny promised, receiving a grateful smile from Gillian.


"Hey Steven, pass me the wrench," Edison's voice echoed from underneath the car. Waiting a good minute, still not to see a wretch pass to him, "Steven!" he screamed again. He moaned, sliding himself out when he once again received no answer from Steven.

"Where is that fool?" he muttered irritably under his breath, looking around the small garage. He didn't have to wonder long when Steven walked out of the back room adjusting his pants.

"Sorry about that girl stopped by before...and well you know," Steven grinned, mischievously.

"I really rather not know, please don't enlighten me. Just pass me the wrench," Edison replied dryly, ready to slide under the car again.

"Come on, Ed. It's been two years since you've had a girl, you can't stay a monk forever. Forget about Gill, she's gone," Steven said, kneeling by the side of the car, ready to pass Edison another tool.

Edison didn't bother to reply. He knew quite well that his friend was only concern for him but some things couldn't be helped. He'll never forget the day he met Gillian.

- - - - - flashback begins - - - - -

"Who do you think you are, huh? Speeding down the street like that? You almost killed my sister!"

Edison smiled amused by the feisty girl in front of him. Her hair was barely passed her shoulders; when the wind blew her bangs away from her faces, it revealed the most captivating pair of eyes he's ever seen. The plain white tank top and short pink skirt complemented her figure perfectly.

Like usual, he was speeding down the streets, he hadn't expected a girl to suddenly run across the virtually empty street; luckily he was able to stop his car in time. Another girl immediately ran over to examine the first girl, who stood motionlessly inches from his car and rushed over to scream at him.

"If you want an apology, come to XXX street tomorrow night,' he said, before shifting gears and swerving pass the two girls, leaving them to stare at his car speeding away. He's not sure why he invited the girl to watch him race tomorrow night but it's been a while since anyone had the guts to scream at him. It was rather amusing.

- - - - - flashback ends - - - - -

A grin appeared on Edison's expressionless face. He could still recall how spunky Gillian was that day, for a girl her petite size, she held a lot of spirit within her. Gillian was definitely one of a kind; he's never met anyone like her before and probably never will. She always had the ability to bring a smile to his face regardless the circumstances. She also knew how to infuriate him like no tomorrow.

God, if only she was right there beside him now. All the restless nights he spent chucking beer after beer, trying to ease the ache in his heart, trying to forget her, only to remember her even more vividly. When was his torture going to come to an end?

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